($$$, Food, Time)
The Pueblo Community Soup Kitchen (PCSK) is a non-profit organization that relies heavily on donations from the community. These donations consist of monetary, food, and time. We serve between 200-250 meals (breakfast and lunch) per day.
Breakfast consists of donuts/sweet rolls, cereal, eggs, oatmeal, coffee, and juice. Our lunches are a hot meal 5 days a week, Monday - Friday and on Saturday it's a sack lunch.
Much our food is donated to the Soup Kitchen by private citizens, grocery stores (King Soupers and Safeway, hospitals, and small businesses such as Daylight Donuts). We are so appreciative of the folks for helping us out. Pueblo Community Soup Kitchen is blessed with using much of the goods it receives, but we are blessed to be able to share these goods with other organizations within the community. We deliver goods to The Salvation Army Food Pantry, The Boone Community Pantry, The Pomegranate Project in Bessemer, Los Pobres, Pueblo United, One-Way Street, The Clean-up Program through Catholic Social Services, and the Rescue Mission.
The monetary donations not only go towards purchasing food, but the greater part goes towards utility bills, kitchen supplies, office supplies, insurance, auto needs, repairs of an ever-aging infrastructure, and a staff of 3 full-time employees.
No matter what, we will be here in some way, shape or form to provide meals to the hungry in the greater Pueblo area.
Donate $$$
Throughout the past 48 years of operation the Pueblo Community Soup Kitchen has been good stewards of the generous donations of so many of our friends. In 2024, we continue to maintain that good stewardship as we move forward with BIG plans for 2025. So much of our aging infrastructure is in need of repair. Because of your generosity, we are starting to make those repairs and most important are able to return to indoor dining. The generous donations from the Souper Walk helped us move this vision forward sooner. Starting November 4, 2024, our clientele will no longer be sitting on the hot asphalt in the summer and cold snow in the winter. They will be sitting indoors eating their meals at tables, eating off of real plates, with real cups and silverware. We sometimes don't realize just how much something as simple as eating on a plate at a table can truly mean; it can make a difference in someone's life. It is an issue of dignity. If we feel value, we start to value who we are as a human being. Perhaps this is the beginning step from homelessness to housing. You help make this vision come true with your donations.
Would you like to make a monetary donation?
Please click on the box below.
Food Donations
The soup kitchen relies heavily on food donations from local businesses as well as the greater Pueblo community. If you wish to donate food items, here is a list of things that we're always looking for. Imagine you are purchasing things to fill your kid's lunch sack for school. Same holds true when we are creating sack lunches for the needy. The soup kitchen will have supplies to make sandwiches. It's the other things that make the lunch.
Paper products (Plates, bowls, cups) Fruit snacks
Plastic wear (Forks and spoons) Sippy cup drinks
Small bags of chips (any kind will do) Applesauce cups
Granola Bars Box Drinks
Cheese crackers Bottles of water
Peanut butter crackers Candy
Small bags of nuts or trail mix Yogurt
Cookies Rice Krispie Treats
When you have your items to donate, pull up to the soup kitchen at 422 W. 7th St., Pueblo, CO and one of our volunteers will be happy to unload your items. You won't even have to get out of your car. Please drop off your donations between 8:00-12:00 noon, Monday - Saturday. Questions, feel free to call us at (719) 545-6540.
We want to thank you for your generosity. Our clientele are especially grateful to have a good meal to get them through another day.
Thank you and God Bless.
Donate your time
Volunteers are what make the Pueblo Community Soup Kitchen what it is. Without volunteers, the soup kitchen would not exist. If you would like to be a part of this amazing group of caring people and donate a few hours of your time each week, please contact our Executive Director, Kathy Cline, at (719) 545-6540 or stop by the soup kitchen Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:00-12:00. If you just want to see what we do before committing your time, stop by and get to know us. When you see how much our volunteers love what they do, you'll want to be a part of this great service too.